Blog Archive
- Kickstarter: Star-up Funding Opportunities
- It’s All Connected: An Overview of the Euro Crisis
- Robert T Kiyosaki
- U.S Commerce Department's Minority Business Develo...
- A Different Portrait of Poverty
- Multiple of Earnings aka "Price to Earnings (PE) r...
- Minority Banking Services
- Investment Opportunity
- Remrie's Two Bits About Your Two Cents
- Advisory Notice for: Bankers, Active and Passive I...
- Educational, Learning, Entrepreneurship and Leader...
- U.S Small Business Association?
- What Remrie Is Studying Tonight.
- Government Funded Business Coaches
- Schools of the Future by the Young Foundation
- Terminology
- Offering: Drivers Education Advice
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
It’s All Connected: An Overview of the Euro Crisis
You're gonna like this. :)
This is a great visual way of showing what the data reflects.
This is a great visual way of showing what the data reflects.
Robert T Kiyosaki
If your goal is achieve financial literacy and become rich, if you are not familiar with Robert Kiyosaki and the Rich Dad company I suggest you learn about them. I am well involved in the Rich Dad community, and am friends and partner with some of the Rich Dad hall of fame winners. If you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them.
We all share the same goal of expanding the wealth of everyone around the world.
We all share the same goal of expanding the wealth of everyone around the world.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
A Different Portrait of Poverty
To address shortcomings in the way poverty is measured in the United States, the Census Bureau has developed more comprehensive alternate measures. The example below calculates poverty rates by taking into account cost of living, taxes, medical expenses and benefits like food stamps and housing subsidies.
I would also recommend
Unfortunately it's common practice to adjust economic indicators when politicians know they can't improve the numbers. So they simply change how they count... Which is why measures for inflation no longer include the costs of food, water, energy, fuel, etc... Which is exactly what you spend your money on to survive... Go figure.
I would also recommend
Unfortunately it's common practice to adjust economic indicators when politicians know they can't improve the numbers. So they simply change how they count... Which is why measures for inflation no longer include the costs of food, water, energy, fuel, etc... Which is exactly what you spend your money on to survive... Go figure.
Multiple of Earnings aka "Price to Earnings (PE) ratio"
P.E Ratio = Price to Earnings
Business A:
Sale price: $150,000
Annual Revenue: $50,000
P.E ratio = 3
Limited growth opportunities, company can't increase profits without substantially expanding in ways that increase it's value.
Business B:
Sale Price: $150,000
Annual Revenue: $10,000
P.E Ratio = 15
Much better room to increase revenue to increase profits.
- Divide the price of a business by annual revenue. The number you get is a percentage.
Business A:
Sale price: $150,000
Annual Revenue: $50,000
P.E ratio = 3
Limited growth opportunities, company can't increase profits without substantially expanding in ways that increase it's value.
Business B:
Sale Price: $150,000
Annual Revenue: $10,000
P.E Ratio = 15
Much better room to increase revenue to increase profits.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Investment Opportunity
On the morning of December 6th me and my dad will be meeting with Mike Woo in Indianapolis, IN to tour Indy and negotiate real estate investment opportunities. If anyone is looking to get into real estate investments, let me and Mike know, we may be able to work out a sale or partner agreement.
When the economy tanks in mid 2012 as commercial notes come due and employers default on their commercial/business loans on their businesses, there will be a lot more turmoil in the markets... The market got bad when people defaulted and employers fired people to not get dragged down with them, but whenbusinesses default, all the employees are going to be out of business. You're looking at a much higher unemployment rate towards the start of 2013. Indianapolis is a very stable market greatly supported by outside investors such as me, Mike, and my dad. They are the host of the 2012 Super Bowl, and holds many headquarters to many of the U.S top companies. If Indy can't protect investors, chances are all of America is too unsafe to invest in, in any market. (try just "Mike@" if it bounces)
When the economy tanks in mid 2012 as commercial notes come due and employers default on their commercial/business loans on their businesses, there will be a lot more turmoil in the markets... The market got bad when people defaulted and employers fired people to not get dragged down with them, but whenbusinesses default, all the employees are going to be out of business. You're looking at a much higher unemployment rate towards the start of 2013. Indianapolis is a very stable market greatly supported by outside investors such as me, Mike, and my dad. They are the host of the 2012 Super Bowl, and holds many headquarters to many of the U.S top companies. If Indy can't protect investors, chances are all of America is too unsafe to invest in, in any market. (try just "Mike@" if it bounces)
Remrie's Two Bits About Your Two Cents
This is going to be a short lesson about money.
Most people know what money is. It's easy to make, and easier to spend; however, most people cannot comprehend what money is. This is a short lesson to help you comprehend what money is, and what it isn't. Always keep this in mind when you hold a fist full of change......
I regularly purchase silver bullion, and I recently just purchased one of those $10 vials of water with 24 karat gold leaf flakes stirring around in it you typically get at a gift shop in Arizona or New Mexico. Since I got that, I got that to remind myself of this lesson, I realized it will be more valuable to share this lesson with you.
Most people know the difference between "fiat currency" and "money", if you don't the simple difference is this....
The key lesson is this.....
Get a old penny.
Look at it, hold it, if you got a bunch of old ones of the same year feel how heavy they weigh combined.
Now do the same with a new penny.
If you got several new pennies of the same year feel their weight compared to the old pennies.
Notice a difference?
If you get some of the first pennies there ever were, they were solid copper... And copper is heavy. Over the course of American history which isn't long, even in the past 50 years, let alone 100 years, the coins you hold in your hand have been diluted in their copper content. They go from 100% copper, to 75%, 50%, 25%, and now even less. And replace that copper with cheaper metals, like zinc, aluminum, maybe someday even plastic.
The term for this is "Debasement". To debase a currency is to devalue it, and replace it with cheaper representation. Just as now a 50 cent piece used to be 100% silver, now they contain very little silver at all. Same thing for the gold and silver dollar coins.
I talk about coins because coins are both money, AND currency at the same time. The metal has a tangible value. They can be melted down and used for something else. But the currency they represent is subjective based off of the confidence people have in the nation.
This is also why governments have to debase their money supply.
When the value of the metal goes up, it eventually will exceed the value of the currency it represents. A gold dollar is not worth $1, anymore.... $1 is worth $1... But $1 gold coin is worth $1,300+.... My $1 American Eagle silver coin is worth more than $30.
Which brings me to the key question I want you to ask yourself every single day.....
If the value of the metal always has, and always will become more valuable than the coin, why should I be saving coins?Coins being the currency.... When we save money at a bank, we are saving dollars and coins. Everyone talks about "saving money" what they are really saying is that they are "saving currency."
Historical charts aren't really needed. Over the short term there is a difference between metals and currency gaining or losing value against one another. But when you save money, real metal. If the copper in your penny always has, and always will become more valuable than the penny, does saving copper sound like a better idea than saving pennies? Does saving gold and silver dollars sound like a better idea than saving paper dollars?
I can get into the more technical details a lot more, but I want to keep this simple.
The paper dollar has almost no tangible value other than the artwork imprinted on it. The new gold dollar coins that came out that look like brass pretending to be gold have tangible value in the metal, but it's so cheap it'll take it a while before the metal in that coin is worth more than $1. Which Once it does, the U.S will debase it.
If your goal is to save -money- for retirement, which might be 20 - 40 years away, although that is a very short term investment for metals, saving metals by default is consistently more likely going to retain its value. How much was the dollar worth 20 - 40 years from today? a lot more than it is now.... Let alone $100+ years. Which is why if you want to save money for future generations, you need to give them something of -tangible- value that you can save and hold onto. Because paper currencies like the USD, Euro, Yuan, Yen, etc are not forever.... The USD has switched every 25 - 40 years, it's already overdue to change again, and people are promoting the Amero or some SDR issued by the IMF... When these currency changes happen, the dollars "currency" you saved become greatly devalued.
As a business person and investor, I don't have a 401k or IRA... I have raw land, gold, silver, real estate properties, etc... Because when you control something tangible, you have something that will be worth what it can be used for... A paper USD dollar cannot be used for anything other than to save or spend. If the government that issues it rejects it, then you are SOL... Just like with the 100 trillion dollar Zimbabwe notes...
Now look back at your pennies.... Would you rather be working hard to earn and save copper? Or would you rather be working hard to earn and save pennies?
I can't predict what will happen with the world economy, but you have to choose where your financial loyalty lays. In the government who "has your best interest at heart".... With your currency "backed by the full faith and credit" of an uncle you never met?.... Or in a piece of gold, silver, copper, dirt, food, water, fuel, etc that is worth the same as any other piece of gold, silver, copper, dirt, fuel, water, fuel, etc on the other side of the world?
We have God to give us faith.... We need tangible things for wealth.
Otherwise it would be "In Uncle Sam We Trust".
And don't forget, those paper stocks you buy on the stock market, those are fiat paper notes just as much as the USD. A paper stock in a gold mining company is not worth the same as holding a piece of gold in your hand. The GLD or SLV exchange trade funds that "represent" gold and silver are NOT gold and silver.
Tangible is what you physically see, hold, touch, taste, smell...
If you happen to be at one of those gift shops that sell the gold flakes in a vial, buy one, keep it with you... Think about this lesson. And think about the financial future you want.
Beyond that, on a personal note...
I personally won't trust my wealth to be "backed by the full faith and credit" of any nation, president, banker, broker, agent, friend, or family... In God I trust, in gold, silver, dirt, and houses I protect myself financially. The only paper cash I have is to spend.
My goal isn't to teach you how to save money to get by. My goal is to teach you how to make money to thrive... Suzy Orman and Dave Ramsey will teach people how to cope with money, but they won't teach people how to master it.
They teach you how to cope with not catching enough fish no matter how hard you try... My goal is to master catching fish!
Most people know what money is. It's easy to make, and easier to spend; however, most people cannot comprehend what money is. This is a short lesson to help you comprehend what money is, and what it isn't. Always keep this in mind when you hold a fist full of change......
I regularly purchase silver bullion, and I recently just purchased one of those $10 vials of water with 24 karat gold leaf flakes stirring around in it you typically get at a gift shop in Arizona or New Mexico. Since I got that, I got that to remind myself of this lesson, I realized it will be more valuable to share this lesson with you.
Most people know the difference between "fiat currency" and "money", if you don't the simple difference is this....
- Fiat Currency: A currency with no tangible value used to facilitate trade. "backed by nothing". Typically in the form of paper with words defining its value as "Backed by the full faith and credit of (country)". Or in other words, the value is as good as their word.
- Money: An object of tangible value used to facilitate trade. The value is based off of a tangible use for the object beyond trade alone; such as in jewelry, electronics, decorations, tools, etc...
The key lesson is this.....
Get a old penny.
Look at it, hold it, if you got a bunch of old ones of the same year feel how heavy they weigh combined.
Now do the same with a new penny.
If you got several new pennies of the same year feel their weight compared to the old pennies.
Notice a difference?
If you get some of the first pennies there ever were, they were solid copper... And copper is heavy. Over the course of American history which isn't long, even in the past 50 years, let alone 100 years, the coins you hold in your hand have been diluted in their copper content. They go from 100% copper, to 75%, 50%, 25%, and now even less. And replace that copper with cheaper metals, like zinc, aluminum, maybe someday even plastic.
The term for this is "Debasement". To debase a currency is to devalue it, and replace it with cheaper representation. Just as now a 50 cent piece used to be 100% silver, now they contain very little silver at all. Same thing for the gold and silver dollar coins.
I talk about coins because coins are both money, AND currency at the same time. The metal has a tangible value. They can be melted down and used for something else. But the currency they represent is subjective based off of the confidence people have in the nation.
This is also why governments have to debase their money supply.
When the value of the metal goes up, it eventually will exceed the value of the currency it represents. A gold dollar is not worth $1, anymore.... $1 is worth $1... But $1 gold coin is worth $1,300+.... My $1 American Eagle silver coin is worth more than $30.
Which brings me to the key question I want you to ask yourself every single day.....
If the value of the metal always has, and always will become more valuable than the coin, why should I be saving coins?Coins being the currency.... When we save money at a bank, we are saving dollars and coins. Everyone talks about "saving money" what they are really saying is that they are "saving currency."
Historical charts aren't really needed. Over the short term there is a difference between metals and currency gaining or losing value against one another. But when you save money, real metal. If the copper in your penny always has, and always will become more valuable than the penny, does saving copper sound like a better idea than saving pennies? Does saving gold and silver dollars sound like a better idea than saving paper dollars?
I can get into the more technical details a lot more, but I want to keep this simple.
The paper dollar has almost no tangible value other than the artwork imprinted on it. The new gold dollar coins that came out that look like brass pretending to be gold have tangible value in the metal, but it's so cheap it'll take it a while before the metal in that coin is worth more than $1. Which Once it does, the U.S will debase it.
If your goal is to save -money- for retirement, which might be 20 - 40 years away, although that is a very short term investment for metals, saving metals by default is consistently more likely going to retain its value. How much was the dollar worth 20 - 40 years from today? a lot more than it is now.... Let alone $100+ years. Which is why if you want to save money for future generations, you need to give them something of -tangible- value that you can save and hold onto. Because paper currencies like the USD, Euro, Yuan, Yen, etc are not forever.... The USD has switched every 25 - 40 years, it's already overdue to change again, and people are promoting the Amero or some SDR issued by the IMF... When these currency changes happen, the dollars "currency" you saved become greatly devalued.
As a business person and investor, I don't have a 401k or IRA... I have raw land, gold, silver, real estate properties, etc... Because when you control something tangible, you have something that will be worth what it can be used for... A paper USD dollar cannot be used for anything other than to save or spend. If the government that issues it rejects it, then you are SOL... Just like with the 100 trillion dollar Zimbabwe notes...
Now look back at your pennies.... Would you rather be working hard to earn and save copper? Or would you rather be working hard to earn and save pennies?
I can't predict what will happen with the world economy, but you have to choose where your financial loyalty lays. In the government who "has your best interest at heart".... With your currency "backed by the full faith and credit" of an uncle you never met?.... Or in a piece of gold, silver, copper, dirt, food, water, fuel, etc that is worth the same as any other piece of gold, silver, copper, dirt, fuel, water, fuel, etc on the other side of the world?
We have God to give us faith.... We need tangible things for wealth.
Otherwise it would be "In Uncle Sam We Trust".
And don't forget, those paper stocks you buy on the stock market, those are fiat paper notes just as much as the USD. A paper stock in a gold mining company is not worth the same as holding a piece of gold in your hand. The GLD or SLV exchange trade funds that "represent" gold and silver are NOT gold and silver.
Tangible is what you physically see, hold, touch, taste, smell...
If you happen to be at one of those gift shops that sell the gold flakes in a vial, buy one, keep it with you... Think about this lesson. And think about the financial future you want.
Beyond that, on a personal note...
I personally won't trust my wealth to be "backed by the full faith and credit" of any nation, president, banker, broker, agent, friend, or family... In God I trust, in gold, silver, dirt, and houses I protect myself financially. The only paper cash I have is to spend.
My goal isn't to teach you how to save money to get by. My goal is to teach you how to make money to thrive... Suzy Orman and Dave Ramsey will teach people how to cope with money, but they won't teach people how to master it.
They teach you how to cope with not catching enough fish no matter how hard you try... My goal is to master catching fish!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Advisory Notice for: Bankers, Active and Passive Investors, Brokers, and Occupy Wall Street Protesters.
A note about my formatting styleBlue: Terms, Resources
Yellow: Definitions, General importance
Orange: Key critical points to focus on.
Green: What the author wants you to do
Red: What the author doesn't want you to do.
This is an advisory notice for anyone who doesn’t just depend on money to get by, but who are actively involved in the creation of wealth. This advisory post comes from the perspective of someone who is supportive and empathetic of all sides. I plan on founding, investing, and brokering the sale and acquisitions of banks, I am an active (if slow starting) real estate investor as well as tangible commodities, I come from financially conservative backgrounds (work hard, save money, and hopefully retire), and I am supportive of the Occupy Wall Street protesters for the reason that I am against the “Money Trust”.
The clear distinction between bankers and they money trust is that “bankers” as defined by me are “Institutionalized debt partners”, a “hard money lender” that is recognized by the community and local government who participates as an active for profit business regardless of their size. These institutions obtain and renew a charter to stay in business; the difference between a loan shark and banker is the charter status……. While the “money trust” are defined by me as “Economic & financial overlords” who occupy both private and public chairs in order to stack the political deck in their favor until they control a monopoly on a government, it’s regulatory branches, financial institutions, and use them to suppress and kill competition from ethical local, community, and regional bankers. All the while unloading their toxic assets on the public to pay for by levying unapportioned taxes against them.*CoughFederalIncomeTaxCough*
I hope what I just said puts my perception into perspective so you can understand the legitimate nature of my concerns when I make the following advisory::::
Yellow: Definitions, General importance
Orange: Key critical points to focus on.
Green: What the author wants you to do
Red: What the author doesn't want you to do.
This is an advisory notice for anyone who doesn’t just depend on money to get by, but who are actively involved in the creation of wealth. This advisory post comes from the perspective of someone who is supportive and empathetic of all sides. I plan on founding, investing, and brokering the sale and acquisitions of banks, I am an active (if slow starting) real estate investor as well as tangible commodities, I come from financially conservative backgrounds (work hard, save money, and hopefully retire), and I am supportive of the Occupy Wall Street protesters for the reason that I am against the “Money Trust”.
The clear distinction between bankers and they money trust is that “bankers” as defined by me are “Institutionalized debt partners”, a “hard money lender” that is recognized by the community and local government who participates as an active for profit business regardless of their size. These institutions obtain and renew a charter to stay in business; the difference between a loan shark and banker is the charter status……. While the “money trust” are defined by me as “Economic & financial overlords” who occupy both private and public chairs in order to stack the political deck in their favor until they control a monopoly on a government, it’s regulatory branches, financial institutions, and use them to suppress and kill competition from ethical local, community, and regional bankers. All the while unloading their toxic assets on the public to pay for by levying unapportioned taxes against them.*CoughFederalIncomeTaxCough*
I hope what I just said puts my perception into perspective so you can understand the legitimate nature of my concerns when I make the following advisory::::
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Educational, Learning, Entrepreneurship and Leadership resources
Educational, Learning, Entrepreneurship and Leadership resources as per The Young Foundation
Arrival Education: leadership development to help young people improve
the soft skills they need in today’s work place.
Citizens’ University: a modular training programme which provides adults the skills to become active citizens, ranging from first aid to community organising.
Enternships: internships for entrepreneurial young people.
Enabling Enterprise: teaching resources which incorporate practical skills into traditional lessons.
Fastlaners: an intensive 2-week programme to get unemployed graduates
into work.
Resilience: giving people the skills to manage everyday stress and seek opportunities.
School of Everything: an online portal which connects people who want to
learn a new skill (from flamenco to book keeping) with people who can teach
Space Unlimited: a consultancy offering the insights of teenagers to businesses.
Studio Schools: a new model of school teaching young people of all abilities through practical experience.
UpRising: a programme which seeks out the most talented 19 to 25 year old and trains them to be future leaders.
WorkingRite: a new model of apprenticeship that provides young people
with the first supported steps into work.
Youth of Today: a grant-making and research programme which aims to get young people become leaders of change (no link) See
The Youth of Today is a two-year partnership of seven leading youth organisations developing leadership opportunities for 13-19 year olds – from shadowing senior politicians to training as young journalists. Young people lead the programme, making decisions about grants and shaping the research. The Youth of Today £1 million fund has reached over 1,500 young people, through investment in 37 youth sector organisations. In addition, 36 grants were made directly to young leaders through the I Do Ideas web portal developed by the Young Foundation. A series of research reports are showing what works in youth leadership, covering topics ranging from the use of social network technologies to employment creation.
Learning Launchpad
Work & Teach
Future First
Ignite Leadership
The Vine Trust
Arrival Education: leadership development to help young people improve
the soft skills they need in today’s work place.
Citizens’ University: a modular training programme which provides adults the skills to become active citizens, ranging from first aid to community organising.
Enternships: internships for entrepreneurial young people.
Enabling Enterprise: teaching resources which incorporate practical skills into traditional lessons.
Fastlaners: an intensive 2-week programme to get unemployed graduates
into work.
Resilience: giving people the skills to manage everyday stress and seek opportunities.
School of Everything: an online portal which connects people who want to
learn a new skill (from flamenco to book keeping) with people who can teach
Space Unlimited: a consultancy offering the insights of teenagers to businesses.
Studio Schools: a new model of school teaching young people of all abilities through practical experience.
UpRising: a programme which seeks out the most talented 19 to 25 year old and trains them to be future leaders.
WorkingRite: a new model of apprenticeship that provides young people
with the first supported steps into work.
Youth of Today: a grant-making and research programme which aims to get young people become leaders of change (no link) See
The Youth of Today is a two-year partnership of seven leading youth organisations developing leadership opportunities for 13-19 year olds – from shadowing senior politicians to training as young journalists. Young people lead the programme, making decisions about grants and shaping the research. The Youth of Today £1 million fund has reached over 1,500 young people, through investment in 37 youth sector organisations. In addition, 36 grants were made directly to young leaders through the I Do Ideas web portal developed by the Young Foundation. A series of research reports are showing what works in youth leadership, covering topics ranging from the use of social network technologies to employment creation.
Learning Launchpad
Work & Teach
Future First
Ignite Leadership
The Vine Trust
Monday, November 7, 2011
U.S Small Business Association?
Does anyone have experience with the U.S Small Business Association?
The U.S SBA is a government agency that provides many resources that individuals need to start a small business, from advice, to grants and loans.
The U.S SBA is a government agency that provides many resources that individuals need to start a small business, from advice, to grants and loans.
What Remrie Is Studying Tonight.
Remrie’s Personal Post
Tonight I am studying federal regulations required to create a educational and training institution that will be recognized by the Department of Education. This venture will be my first step into influencing the United States education system in a way that removes a heavy burden on a financially, scholastically deprived education system.
Every night when I have enough time and energy to spare, ideally at least an hour, I wind down the evening by studying a critically important subject needed to facilitate future success.
Every step we take today, is one less we have to take tomorrow. As Will Smith will remind you about his experience with his brother having to rebuild a wall his dad tore down, it’s our power of focus and habit to create the end product, one brick at a time, one step at a time towards our finish line.
Every step we take today, is one less we have to take tomorrow. As Will Smith will remind you about his experience with his brother having to rebuild a wall his dad tore down, it’s our power of focus and habit to create the end product, one brick at a time, one step at a time towards our finish line.
Tonight I am studying federal regulations required to create a educational and training institution that will be recognized by the Department of Education. This venture will be my first step into influencing the United States education system in a way that removes a heavy burden on a financially, scholastically deprived education system.
To all the pupils and teachers out there, don’t be afraid to change the status quo. Whether through kamikaze attack strategies (although not recommended), organized collective revolution (preferably nonviolent, and specific), and/or business/political partnerships that facilitate win/win scenarios (ideal, if a bit idealistic.) Schools are a business, “education” is an industry. Apple manufactures Ipods, schools manufacture test scores.
My question for you is: “What can you do to create the change you want to see?”
Rules: No blades, no bullets, no explosives, no poisons, no piano wires, no petrol, or demonic incantations or curses of that sort. We can be civil about this.
My question for you is: “What can you do to create the change you want to see?”
Rules: No blades, no bullets, no explosives, no poisons, no piano wires, no petrol, or demonic incantations or curses of that sort. We can be civil about this.
Government Funded Business Coaches
Government funded coaching services for small business entrepreneurs.
A list as follows….
A list as follows….
- SCORE : Provides free and confidential counseling, mentoring and advice to small business owners nationwide via its network of more than 12,400 retired business executives, leaders and volunteers. SCORE is sponsored by SBA and has volunteers share their expertise through in-person and online counseling.
- Small Business Development Centers: Provides management assistance to current and prospective small business owners.
- Women’s Business Centers: Provides business training, counseling and other resources to help women start and grow successful businesses.
- Minority Business Development Centers: Part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Minority Business Development Agency was created specifically to foster the establishment and growth of minority-owned businesses in America, with more than 40 centers nationwide.
Related Articles:Women’s Business CentersMaking DecisionsMentor-Protégé ProgramRelated FAQs:Where can I find out how some individuals started a successful business?How can the SCORE web site help me?
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Schools of the Future by the Young Foundation
Schools of the future and resources for transitioning into the workforce
Paper Title: Learning and Education: What we do and why we do it (PDF document)
Obviously I'm not a fan of jobs. As per my experiences in life, jobs only serve as a functional transition from schooling to entrepreneurship through hands on experience and starting capitol. However, this article touches on the basics of what's important in a modern institutionalized education system. The "GRIT" paper it makes references to will be in my next posts.
The Young Foundation is founded by Michael Young, who is regarded as the most successful social entrepreneur.
Michael Young:,_Baron_Young_of_Dartington
The Young Foundation:
Paper Title: Learning and Education: What we do and why we do it (PDF document)
Obviously I'm not a fan of jobs. As per my experiences in life, jobs only serve as a functional transition from schooling to entrepreneurship through hands on experience and starting capitol. However, this article touches on the basics of what's important in a modern institutionalized education system. The "GRIT" paper it makes references to will be in my next posts.
The Young Foundation is founded by Michael Young, who is regarded as the most successful social entrepreneur.
Michael Young:,_Baron_Young_of_Dartington
The Young Foundation:
Maladaptive Emotions: The “internal radio station – one
that plays nothing but you 24/7"
OUCH! I know I was banging my head to that station in high-school! And still do!
that plays nothing but you 24/7"
OUCH! I know I was banging my head to that station in high-school! And still do!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Offering: Drivers Education Advice
Now is a good time to start offering my knowledge and experience as a professional driver.
This is not a fee based service, strictly advisory.
People who stand to benefit benefit most are young drivers entering drivers education, are retaking DMV tests, and drivers looking to get into the trucking industry.
My experienced includes automobiles, motorcycles, and tractor trailers
Email me at for any direct questions.
This post is open for comments.
This is not a fee based service, strictly advisory.
People who stand to benefit benefit most are young drivers entering drivers education, are retaking DMV tests, and drivers looking to get into the trucking industry.
My experienced includes automobiles, motorcycles, and tractor trailers
Email me at for any direct questions.
This post is open for comments.
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