Monday, November 14, 2011

Investment Opportunity

On the morning of December 6th me and my dad will be meeting with Mike Woo in Indianapolis, IN to tour Indy and negotiate real estate investment opportunities. If anyone is looking to get into real estate investments, let me and Mike know, we may be able to work out a sale or partner agreement.
When the economy tanks in mid 2012 as commercial notes come due and employers default on their commercial/business loans on their businesses, there will be a lot more turmoil in the markets... The market got bad when people defaulted and employers fired people to not get dragged down with them, but whenbusinesses default, all the employees are going to be out of business. You're looking at a much higher unemployment rate towards the start of 2013. Indianapolis is a very stable market greatly supported by outside investors such as me, Mike, and my dad. They are the host of the 2012 Super Bowl, and holds many headquarters to many of the U.S top companies. If Indy can't protect investors, chances are all of America is too unsafe to invest in, in any market.  (try just "Mike@" if it bounces)

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